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2023 Sportsman Classic


Coast guardsman standing behind boating safety table

 BM2 Cayden Jette providing boating safety information to the public.


Aux member behind boating safety table

FSO-PB Ruth Ring

AUX member presenting flotilla coin to Sportsman Classic manager 

FSO-CM Bill Rowe presenting a flotilla coin to Sportsman Classic manager John LaBerge, in recognition for his ongoing support of the Coast Guard Auxiliary.


13 Dec 2022 AUX Chef Crew

This Aux Chef crew, along with CS2 Gregg, prepared breakfast and lunch for the Station Burlington crew. They made pancakes, sausage gravy with biscuits, and eggs cooked to order. Lunch was pork tenderloin and turkey with all the fixings, followed by brownie sundaes with homemade hot fudge sauce. It was well received!

 AUX Chef group photo

Left to right: Alan Nye, Lynn Enny, Gary Slusher, and Bob Bernier.

(Photo provided by Bob Bernier.)


Bob Bernier and Alan Nye during Food Service Certification Course

AUX members prepping food

USCG Burlington Ice Rescue Drills

Station Burlington Ice Rescue Drills

USCG Station Burlington readying equipment for ice rescue training on Lake Champlain


Two USCG members on inflated raft

 Two Station Burlington members on raft entering ice hole


Person in water being rescued

Station Burlington member performing practice rescue of individual in water